


Internal Regulation

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  • 1. Denomination, nature and purpose.

1.1. The private organization named “ITALIANI VOLANTI” (hereinafter simply referred to as “IV” or the “group”), is established for the sole purpose of promoting friendly relationships, based on a shared passion for flight in general, more precisely on the perspectives of computer simulated flight activity.

1.2. IV is a non-profit, unincorporated entity; it has no commercial/advertising goals and is financially self-sufficient through its members’ donations and/or revenues for the advertising banners placed on its website pages.

1.3. Any kind of contribution which the group may receive from its members, including those who are called upon to serve as staff or within the Leading Committee, is freely and willingly offered, with no wage, salary, indemnity, nor whatsoever given in change.

1.4. Business and taxation ordinary rules do not apply to the occasional reimbursements of currency, which might be required for the production, packaging, or expedition of gadgets and other kind of items created by, or reserved to, the members.

  • 2. Definitions.

2.1. The following terms, as used in this regulation, have – except for single specification – the following meaning:

a) C.E.O. (Chief Executive Officer): member of the Board of Directors who directs and coordinates the activities of the staff.

b) Executive: term that indicates the Executive Council, the group’s top decision-making body.

c) Forum: virtual place for discussion, published and managed through the website (forum.italianivolanti.it), open to the discussion of topics of general interest on virtual and real flight, not reserved for IV members only.

d) IVAcars: the program used by pilots and flight controllers to generate and send the document called ‘pirep’ to the virtual airline website.

e) VAT: abbreviation of “International Virtual Aviation Organization”, the organization that manages an international telematic platform for flight simulation and virtual air traffic control on the internet.

f) Phpvms platform: The software in use for the collection and processing of data relating to the flight activities of the pilots registered with the airline.

g) Pirep: abbreviation of the English term “pilot report”; indicates the computer document certifying the execution of a predetermined flight leg, recording the data on the pilot’s (or flight controller’s) computer and sending them to the appropriate registration server using the “IVAcars” software.

h) Rank: Degree of seniority and experience that the pilot has acquired within the Virtual Airline through a certain career progression, according to the rules established by the Board.

i) Schedule: English term that indicates a flight segment performed by the virtual airline, usually marked by an alphanumeric code and intended (in some cases) to be performed by a particular category of aircraft and / or pilots or flight controllers.

j) Multiplayer Session (joinFS): the network operating environment that allows pilots to be connected with their aircraft to a company server, which allows the simultaneous presence of users in a single world virtual reality, allowing pilots and controllers to I also fly eye contact.

k) Website: the website (www.italianivolanti.it) on which the group’s activities are published, divided into its various components.

l) Staff: the staff chosen from among the members and appointed by the Board to take care of the various operational functions required by the nature of the activities carried out by the members of IV.

m) Discord: The software that – through an internet connection to a dedicated server, managed by IV – creates the voice connection between the people involved in a multiplayer session, in a virtual meeting, a flight lesson, or in any other type of group event.

n) VA (Virtual Airline): Virtual Airline, an organization that simulates the activity of an airline, performing commercial flights (passengers and cargo) and using virtual aircraft whose pilots – registered with the airline as employees of the same and distinguished by seniority, experience and competence on the basis of a degree (“rank”) – numbered and programmed sections follow (“schedule”).

o) Responsible for pilots: the person who controls the activities of pilots registered with the virtual airline

  • 3. Leading Committee.

3.1. Group leadership is devolved to a Leading Committee, numbering from two to four members, with a President and a Vice President.

3.2. The President is the highest authority and responsible for the group activities, both internally and externally, being entitled to represent the group itself towards any third party.

3.3. The Vice-President acts in collaboration with the President and upon his request, also serving as a temporary substitute, with no restriction of matter.

3.4. Upon resignation or exclusion of one of its members, the majority of the Leading Committee shall decide and elect a successor, by chosing among all the staff members with a minimum three-month service and who were noticed for adequate technical skills, personal availability, dedication to the collective targets, and own initiative capabilities.

3.5. All matters examined by the Leading Committee will be decided by simple majority. In case of parity, the President’s vote shall cast.

3.6. The Leading Committee appoints – and also, upon necessity, revokes – the staff members. More than one person can be appointed by the Leading Committee to take care of the same staff position, according to the amount of work that is required for the time being.

3.7. The Leading Committee appoints a Chief Executive Officer (C.E.O.) among its members.

3.8. Upon resignation or exclusion of a staff member, each member of the Leading Committee may occupy temporarily – as long as a suitable substitute is missing and being searched for – the vacant staff position

  • 4. Staff.

4.1. With the exception of the C.E.O., the personnel called to fill staff functions are chosen from among the members of the group who have a seniority of service in the group of at least three months.

4.2. They are staff functions:

a) C.E.O. – general manager of the staff, and acts as an intermediary between the staff and the Board, of which he is a member and from which he receives the function;

b) Event Manager – responsible for the planning, organization and realization of events, both virtual and real, promoted by IV to involve its users;

c) Social media manager: Responsible for the growth and maintenance of the social pages;

d) Pirep Manager – responsible for checking, evaluating and admitting the pireps certifying the flights performed by the pilots for the Company and the sessions of the flight controllers;

e) Training Manager – responsible for the flight school reserved for airline pilots;

f) Web Manager – responsible for the administration and creation of website content.

4.3. Any “sub-roles” are managed internally by the staff of the main roles listed in the point above (4.2).

  • 5. Assets

5.1. Being unincorporated, the group shall depend on the free contribution of goods (money, premises, hardware, intellectual rights, licences, ecc.) and energies on the part of its leaders, members, benefactors and sponsors, to a sufficient extent, so that it may fulfill its purposes.

5.2. Any necessity involving economic fees will be met, after adequate evalutation, by recurring to a fund which will be raised through the donations received, and the revenues of third parties’ advertisement on the IV web site.

5.3. The Leading Committee shall appoint the fund management to one of his members.

  • 6. Intellectual property.

6.1. The whole content of IV web sites is under copyright protection. Any form of imitation, exploitation, subtraction, of texts, images, programs presented therein, is forbidden without prior explicit authorization by the Leading Committee.

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  • 7. Subscription. Acceptance of the regulations.

7.1. Any registered member, by subscribing to the group:

a) totally accepts the rules set forth by the present regulation and the consequences deriving from their compliance;

b) consents to electronic processing of his personal data, as gathered upon subscription;

c) agrees to follow the principles of conduct that apply to the multiple social contacts (multiplayer server, vocal server, meetings, chat rooms, forum threads, etc.), being aware of the penalties which may follow;

d) agrees to willingly and freely bestow all the results and products of his collaboration to the group activities and social life, even those who might be traded with a remarkable value.

  • 8. Rules applicable to electronic personal data processing.

8.1. The information recorded upon subscription is stored in a general member list; the personal data are used solely for the management of the ITALIANI VOLANTI web site, of the Virtual Airline and of the IV Forum, according to the applicable Italian civil laws (D.Lgs. 196/2003 e ss. modd. e intt.) about computer-aided data processing, in connection with personal information data.

8.2. Any information and condition about electronic data processing, along with the indication of the liable persons in charge, is published on the web site.

8.3. The user is entitled to ask at any time, by simple written request, for the deletion of his own personal information, being nevertheless aware that such request – going against the collective purposes – might lead to his exclusion from the group.

  • 9. Prohibition of personal exploitation.

9.1. It is forbidden to any internet user to derive any form of personal gain or advantage from the IV web sites, the multiplayer session, the Forum or its services, as a way of diffusion for:

a) unauthorized advertising messages, also known as “spamming” or “spam”;

b) useless messages, sent with the sole purporse of damaging, obstructing or slowing down the Forum;

c) messages bearing offenses to other users, guests, or third parties, even if stranger to the Forum;

d) messages bearing any other sort of illegal contents, according to the Italian law;

e) messages coded in a way that may damage either the Forum or the web site;

f) messages bearing copyright violations according to the Italian or foreign law, without the permission of the copyright owner;

g) messages bearing subjects which are not related to the Forum themes (off-topics).

  • 10. Other forbidden conducts.

10.1.Any behavior that may explicitly lead to (or encourage) physical or moral violence; racism; political, religious, sexual, social discrimination; pornography; or is manifestly in favor of war (since IV is a group of people who stand against violence and war, except for self-defense purposes), is condemned and will lead to immediate expulsion from the group, and to a charge before the Authority.

  • 11. Duty of general respect. Prohibition of offensive speech.

11.1.Forum users shall always be respectful towards other users and the moderators. Forum discussions shall always be conducted according to the general rules and principles of polite manners.

11.2.No message shall bear vulgarity, insult nor offence, vilification towards people, firms, religions or institutions. No kind of hostile attitude towards other users shall be tolerated, as well as any message tending to disturb other people’s active and positive participation to the site/forum/session.

  • 12. Participation to other groups.

12.1.IV members are allowed to subscribe to other similar groups, provided that the ordinary rules of fairness and respect are kept towards the group.

12.2.The IV pilot who has registered in another virtual airline must promptly give notice to the President or to the C.E.O. concerning his registration as a pilot for another airline.

12.3.Except by prior and written consent from the Leading Committee itself, Leading Committee members and staff members cannot undertake any leading role in any other group sharing the same purposes of IV.

  • 13. Members’ cooperation.

13.1.The group is based on the mutual cooperation of all its members.

13.2.Everyone may forward his own proposals and requests to the staff, although the final decision is up to the responsible of each sector, according to the composition of the staff that is available on the web sites.

  • 14. Disciplinary control.

14.1.The President of the Leading Committee, with prior advice from the Committee itself and any from staff member who bears adequate information about the circumstances, has the disciplinary faculty of:

a) rebuking formally;

b) suspending temporarily;

c) expelling permanently;

a member who is found responsible of unpolite or offensive behaviors towards other members, or towards the group itself, or of other behaviors that may somewhat offend the group itself or any of its members.

14.2.When conducting the inquiry, the President shall hear the charged person in his defense, by written reprimand, through e-mail or confidential conference, disclosing the facts that were reported against him.

  • 15. Multiplayer sessions ban.

15.1.During an on-line flight session, the Staff is entitled to ban those players (pilots/controllers) who break the rules or misbehave to a remarkable extent.

  • 16. Vocal conference ban.

16.1.During a vocal conference session, the Channel Admin is entitled to ban those speakers who break the rules or misbehave to a remarkable extent.

  • 17. Free availability of information/materials during and after the termination of membership.

17.1.Any material, information, application offered by any IV member is to be regarded as a free donation to the group.

17.2.In case of membership termination, no claim may be raised concerning what has been offered to the group, which shall remain freely and exclusively available for Italiani Volanti and its members.

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Part III – Common services

  • 18. Multiplayer flight session server.

18.1 The group’s multiplayer server operates through the JoinFS platform and is functional and open at any time of day, every day of the week.

18.2 Access to the multiplayer server is not reserved only for pilots registered with the VA, although occasional users who connect to it are also required to observe certain main rules of behavior in the conduct of their aircraft, under penalty of expulsion (automatic or arranged by the staff) from the game session.

18.3. Causes for expulsion from the session are, by way of example:

a) enter the session by positioning yourself directly on the active track;

b) enter session leaving the player’s session name blank;

c) disturbing the conduct of your aircraft to the flight operations of other users.

  • 19. Vocal conference server (Discord).

19.1 To create voice communication between users via internet connection (VOIP), the Discord program has been adopted by the group.

19.2 The server set up by the group for connection via Discord, to which the user must connect after launching the Discord client installed on his computer, is operational at any time of day, every day of the week at the address “https: //discord.gg/KGnJNHf “.

19.3 The connection to the voice server requires the observance of some main rules of conduct and good manners, listed below, whose non-observance can lead to exclusion from the voice session or – in the most serious cases – to suspension from group activities of the member or also to the definitive expulsion of the member from the group by subjects operating as staff.

19.4 The user will connect to the Discord server using his / her serial number (eg “IV5025”) followed by his first name or nickname of his choice as an identification string.

19.5 The main communication rooms, open to all, are called UNICOM, SOCIAL2, SOCIAL3;

19.6. However, if a group of pilots intends to perform a flight session in a multiplayer environment via the company server, and the UNICOM and SOCIAL common rooms are occupied by other pilots (whether or not engaged in multiplayer flight sessions), the group is allowed to occupy a channel between those available and free.

19.7. Confidential and confidential communications can only take place in the audio rooms of the Discord server reserved for members of the Board and / or Staff, upon invitation of the room owner and in the presence of this.

19.8. It is good and polite conduct, upon connecting to the voice server, to greet those present in the common rooms.

19.9.No thing is allowed, neither by this regulation, nor by the Italian law in force, to listen to the conversations of others, taking place in an audio room of the Discord server, without having greeted those present upon entering the channel, except for a minimum delay and linked to the need not to rudely remove the word from the interlocutor on duty.

  • 20. Virtual shop.

20.1.The virtual airline IV runs on its web pages a virtual shop, offering items that may consist in:

a) freeware (liveries, sceneries, etc.), created and/or modified by some IV staff;

b) freeware (liveries, sceneries, etc.), created and/or modified by some IV staff and made available to the group;

c) various items and personalized gadgets with IV logo and/or other kind of group personalization.

  • 21. Cash contribution requirements.

21.1.For some of the purchases at the virtual shop, a donation may be required, as a total/partial contribution to cover the fees (shipment, production, packaging, personalization) of the purchased item.

  • 22. Shop Manager tasks.

22.1.The Shop Manager is responsible for supplying the shop, and for the labelling and virtual pricing of the items, that he may modify or change at discretion without prior advice. Shop item pictures are purely descriptive.

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Part IV – Virtual Airline

  • 23. Virtual Airline operations.

23.1.IV Virtual Airline emulates the operations of a real airline, through the phpvms platform or any other suitable platform chosen by the Leading Committee.

23.2.Most important notices are given to members via e-mail communication, through the address specified by the pilot upon registration.

23.3.According to the needs of flight activity management and events organization, the airline may chose other suitable communication means, amongst the available ones.

23.4.Statistic and general information data about the virtual airline operations are made public and available on the web site pages.

  • 24. Necessary information at the enrollment.

24.1.Each pilot, upon registration, has to indicate his real first name and surname, as well as the other data which are specified on the registration form.

24.2.He must also pick-up a company hub to indicate his geographic origin, tough it mustn’t necessarily coincide with the real place of living.

24.3.The President and/or the C.E.O., being the only ones entitled to pilot recruitment, may also reject an application, with no duty to express the reasons to the applicant via e-mail message, when recurring the following:

a) partial name;

b) fictitious, false, inadeguate name, even if the finding is reached after a while;

c) person already registered and expelled for disciplinary reasons;

d) person already registered in the database (double registration);

e) non-existent or non-effective e-mail address;

f) pilot belonging to other Virtual Airline, who has registered without prior notice to the Leading Committee.

  • 25. Personal data processing consent.

25.1.The pilot registering to ITALIANI VOLANTI Airlines agrees to personal data processing according to Italian applicable laws (Decreto Legislativo 30 giugno 2003, n. 196; Costituzione articoli 15 e 21; Codice penale, Capo III – Sez. IV).

  • 26. Ranking system.

26.1.Starting from his registration, the pilot begins a career marked by successive ranks, each of which entitles the pilot to fly a specific set of aircrafts, as follows:

a) Private Pilot: Bell-206, Extra300s, Money Bravo, R-22, A.T.C., Cessna 172, Cessna 208, PA-28;

b) Second Officer: King Air 350, Douglas DC-3, Augusta EH101, Dehavilland DHC2, Grumman Goose, Baron 58;

c) First Officer: MD-82, CRJ-700, Learjet 45, ATR 72-500, Fokker 100, Embraer 190;

d) Captain ATP: B-737NG (all series), A-318, A-319, A-320, A321, B-757 (all series);

e) Master Captain ATP: B-767 (all series), MD-11, A-330 (all series), C-17;

f) Fleet Captain: B-777 (all series),B-747 (all series), Concorde, A-340 (all series), A-380;

g) Aviation Legend: all planes.

26.2.Moreover, each rank includes those planes who – according to the collective, unquestionable decision of the IV Pirep Managers – belong to the same typology which is distinctive of each rank.

26.3.Rejection of the pirep due to the lack of compatibility between the airplane chosen by the pilot and his rank will be explicitly mentioned.

  • 27. Initial Test.

27.1.After registration any member may be additionally asked to undergo an evaluation test, whose acceptability is set at 80 % of the correct answers.

  • 28. Virtual pilot operations.

28.1.After his registration is effective, the pilot begins his airline career by executing commercial flights, according to the specific brought by the “schedule list” available on the IV site and with the airplanes for which he his qualified by his rank.

28.2.The pilot has full discretion concerning the schedules he picks up, the frequency of his flights, the routing of each flight, etc.

28.3.Departure time and estimated time enroute which are specified in each flight schedule are not compulsory.

  • 29. Member’s inaction.

29.1.The pilot who has stopped flying, or who has stopped recording his flights on the site for more than thirty days (even when a filed pirep turns out to be rejected) is automatically included by the software system in the list of the “retired” pilots.

29.2.The above rule doesn’t apply to the single or multiple vacation periods, up to a maximum of 35 days per year, which are granted to every pilot, whose enjoyment must be previously signaled through the procedures made available on IV Virtual Airline web site.

  • 30. Enquiry about the causes of inaction.

30.1.The Members Manager shall e-mail any pilot that has been marked as “retired”, in order to ascertain the presence of technical problems, personal difficulties or other motivations, and the possible related need of support.

30.2.Seven days after the aforementioned e-mail, the Members Manager is endorsed by the Leading Committee to permanently delete the pilot’s profile (equivalent to his layoff) from the airline database, if:

a) the pilot didn’t reply to the e-mail;

b) the pilot replied to the e-mail, showing no reasonable cause of his past/current inaction;

c) the pilot, whatever the reasons he came up with, didn’t resume his regular flying activity.

  • 31. Case of immediate deletion.

31.1.A pilot who hasn’t filed any flight for the thirty days following his registration may be removed by the Members Manager from the Pilots’ List, presuming a non effective intention to join the group.

  • 32. Rank advancement. Seniority – medical check.

32.1.An upgrade of rank is chiefly achieved by accumulating a given number of flight hours, proven through regularly sent and approved pireps, according to the following progression:

a) promotion to Second Officer: passing 20 flight hours;

b) promotion to First Officer: passing 50 flight hours;

c) promotion to ATP Captain: passing 100 flight hours;

d) promotion to Master ATP Captain: passing 200 flight hours;

e) promotion to Fleet Captain: passing 400 flight hours;

f) promotion to Commander Fleet Captain: passing 550 flight hours;

g) promotion to Senior: Captain passing 1.500 flight hours;

h) promotion to Italiani Volanti Legend: passing 3.000 flight hours;

i) promotion to Aviation Legend: passing 5.000 flight hours.

32.2.The Members Manager may prescribe (virtual) medical check for all of the upgrades, in accordance to what is decided by the Leading Committee, and particularly concerning:

a) Compulsory medical examination at every promotion, directly payed for with the pilot’s salary.

  • 33. Pirep Manager tasks.

33.1.The Pirep Manager is charged by the Leading Committee to evaluate, for approval or rejection, the pireps recording the flights of IV airline pilots through the dedicated software.

33.2.All pireps filed to the IV server are distributed among the Pirep Managers on duty according to agreed criteria, which reflect the measure of personal availability.

  • 34. Pirep rejection

34.1.The flight reports (Pireps) filed by the pilots may be rejected if the minimal conditions for approval – hereinafter set forth – are not met, that is precisely when:

1) Landing rate greater than -700fpm or +700fpm (at final destination or intermediate landing);

2) Pirep of ATC activity filed by a non official IV traffic controller;

3) Tour schedule flown against some of the restrictions set forth in the tour/event description;

4) Cruise level not reached / missing TOC (top of climb) point, as specified by the pilot at the start of every IFR/VFR flight (even that to an intermediate landing);

5) Overspeed condition, maintained for more than 2 minutes;

6) Schedule of civil flight flown on a military plane;

7) Schedule flown on a plane exceeding from the range connected to the pilot’s rank;

8) Departure ICAO and/or arrival ICAO not matching with those prescripted by the schedule;

9) Schedule IV0351 not flown on a helicopter;

10) Pirep containing “slew detected” / “deactivated”, except when plane positioning by slew is operated before takeoff or after landing;

11) Pirep containing “aircraft crashed” o “fsx crashed” o “FS Reloaded!” anywhere in the log (except when happened before the boarding because of a system malfunction);

12) Max simulation rate not corresponding to “x1”;

13) Pirep reporting smaller fuel quantity upon departure than upon arrival (except for military planes which refueled in-flight);

14) Two matching Pireps, with almost the same path and the same timing, due to a system transmission fault;

15) Eccessive fuel quantity upon departure, so that a total lack of fuel calculation can be suspected or however landing with more than 50% of fuel, except when a full load appears reasonable, because of particular lenght of the flight, or other similar reasons;

16) 0 (zero) fuel landing, or landing almost without fuel, or in any case with a quantity of fuel less than or equal to 5%, so that an incorrect fuel calculation can be suspected;

17) Pirep reporting more than 3 stall alerts during the flight;

18) Eccessive speed, in relation to the flight altitude (> 250 KIAS < 10.000 ft) when the “speedy tour” requisite has been specified upon assignment;

19) Schedule IV8888 unduly executed: filed under a different schedule number; pilot missing the Ivao VID on his IV account; flight flown on IVAO but not under IV’s label.

20) Pirep showing an excessive and unreasonable flight duration, occurred:
– between FS-connection and push-back and/or engine start;
– between off-blocks time and take off;
– between landing and on-blocks time;
– between on-blocks time and pirep logout.

21) Any other circumstance where non-normal flight execution is made evident by the logged data, which was neither reported by the pilot nor justified by him after the pirep has been rejected; any conflict between the pilot and the Pirep Manager will be resolved at the President’s free discretion.

34.2.Whilst waiting for pirep approval, the pilot may fly and file other schedules, uploading the pireps to the server without limits.

34.3.The reasons for every single rejection of a pirep are stated by the Pirep Manager in the “comment” field which is saved along with the rest of the pirep data.

34.4.The pireps are saved in attachment to the pilot’s profile on the company operating system resources for a reasonable period, decided by the Leading Committee. During this period they might be consulted by the Leading Committee, by the staff, and by other IV pilots.

  • 35. Helicopter flights.

35.1.Pirep rejection reasons set forth by the previous section under numbers 1, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,15,16,18,19 do not apply to helicopter flights.

  • 36. Military flights.

36.1.Unless otherwise stated, all pireps reporting use of military aricrafts shall be rejected by the Pirep Manager, for the virtual airline normally requires execution of civil flights only.

  • 37. Remuneration for sectors flown. Missed credits.

37.1.For every approved flight, the pilot receives a fee (expressed in virtual EURO), that is related to the duration of flight and the pilot’s rank, according to the parameters published on the VA web pages.

37.2.The accumulated income is saved among the other data of the pilot’s personal profile.

37.3.The pilot shall not be payed for a flight, when its Pirep has been rejected.

  • 38. Use of virtual money.

38.1.The virtual money earned by the pilot may be spent for:

a) covering the costs of tests, examinations and medical examinations that are required along the career;

b) purchase of items at the company virtual shop.

  • 39. Virtual Airline affiliation.

39.1.IV Virtual Airline is recognized and registered at the “VA Central” organization.

  • 40. IVAO activity.

40.1.Italiani Volanti as a virtual airline is regularly registered at IVAO; its pilot members wanting to fly under its callsign (“IVV”) on the IVAO network shall pass both practical and theoric examination held by IV approved trainers which may be contacted via Discord.

  • 41. Event Manager tasks.

41.1.The Event Manager is responsible for the planning and the execution of all IV official events.

41.2.The participation to any sort of event – virtual or real – being totally voluntary, IV waives any possible liability for damages occurring to people and/or things.

41.3.Any member prompting for the celebration of an official event shall directly address the Event Manager no later than seven days before the beginning of the event itself, offering all necessary data in advance, by sending an e-mail or via Discord vocal conference.

41.4.The Event Manager has the right to modify any detail of the event, according to his unquestionable judgment, for the sake of necessity or simple convenience.

41.5.Those events which, according to the promoter’s will or because of other reasons, are not supervised by the Event Manager, are nevertheless allowed; being Non-Official events, they will get no advertising on the site ww.italianivolanti.it, but will be anyhow announced within the Virtual Airline community. Consequently, no Facebook event shall be published, but the event may be announced through posts on the Facebook group, and/or through posts on the IV Forum.

41.6. A member, when promoting a Non-Official event, may post it on Facebook, as well as pin it on the V.A. web site agenda, as long as it is not presented as an official event.

41.7.The event promoter, in order to facilitate its planning, shall specify:

a) Title of the event;

b) Detailed description of the flights (routing, cruise altitude, duration, restrictions of flyable plane types, etc.);

c) ICAO of departure airport;

d) ICAO of arrival airport, including the accepted alternates and the intermediate stops, if any;

e) Proposed flight number(s) for the insertion in the company flight schedule database;

f) Date and time of beginning of the event (with specification if local time or UTC).

41.8.It is not necessary to compose and enclose a flier, since it will be generated from the existing layouts.

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  • 42. Official A.T.C..

42.1.The presence of air traffic controllers during a multiplayer flight session is not a mandatory prerequisite, though it is strongly recommended at any time when there is ATC personnel involved in the session.

42.2.Establishing Air Traffic Control during a multiplayer flight session, when it is offered through the company vocal conference server (Discord), so that pilots and controllers may communicate in a multi-channel environment, is reserved to official IV Air Traffic Controllers.

42.3.To become an official IV Air Traffic Controller, a member must attend and graduate from the ATC School Courses that are held by the group in a virtual flight environment with multiplayer network.

42.4.IV official controllers alone are entitled to file the flight schedule IV9999 within the virtual airline.

42.5.Flying pilots may access the radio frequency dedicated channels of the Discord server only when the channel has been reserved and is managed by an official IV Air Traffic Controller.

42.6.During the execution of an Italiani Volanti official event, the role of ATC is reserved to official IV Air Traffic Controllers.

  • 43. A.T.C. Training.

43.1.IV official Air Traffic Controllers are expected to freely offer their collaboration in a tutorial program in favor of those group members who, as an alternative to developing pilot skills, may manifest their interest toward Air Traffic Control, being oriented to study materials, to attend educational classes and join multiplayer learning sessions with vocal conference, etc.

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  • 44. Flight School.

44.1.Virtual Flight School is a preminently free activity for its participants, has a primary recreational goal, and it isn’t apt to replace any real-life licence, school or academy; it qualifies to civil aircraft flight, with the exclusion of civil helicopters and all types of military vehicles.

44.2.The Air Traffic Control department will take care of its own school division, apart from the Flight School, though both schools shall collaborate in occasion of joint events.

  • 45. Flight school teachers. Basic programs.

45.1.The teachers working to a various extent for the flight school will take care of what they have been assigned on a voluntary and totally free of charge basis.

45.2.Flight school attendance and/or getting any award or licence is not mandatory, and is no prerequisite for the practice of virtual flight within IV.

45.3.The virtual flight school shall set up:

  1. some theoretical classes, the duration of which is influenced by the acquired knowledge of the pupil, with a minimum of two classes;
  2. some practical VFR classes, the duration of which is influenced by the acquired knowledge of the pupil, with a minimum of two classes;
  3. some practical IFR classes, the duration of which is influenced by the acquired knowledge of the pupil, with a minimum of two classes.
  • 46. Virtual license award.

46.1.At the end of all classes, and after overcoming both theoretical and practical tests, students shall be awarded a pilot license, which will be signed for approval by all their teachers.

  • 47. Final examination.

47.1.The theoretical and practical test shall be prepared and conducted by the teachers, with the optional presence of the Leading Committee members, whose advice on the examination results is not binding.

  • 48. Theory classes.

48.1.Theory classes are taught by appointed personnel, whose function is listed among the rest of the staff, at given dates and times, and will include: aeronautic meteorology fundamentals, aerodynamics basic notions, flightdeck equipment.

  • 49. Practice classes.

49.1.Practice classes are taught by pilots with real-life flight license or other flight experts, specifically appointed by the Leading Committee and listed among the rest of the staff.

  • 50. Necessary student equipment.

50.1.In order to participate to Flight School classes, a student must install on his computer: Skype/Discord, flight simulator, plus other recommended tools (such as nautical charts, kneeboard, flight pedals, etc).

  • 51. Suspension/cancellation of classes. Expulsion from the courses.

51.1.Upon joint decision of the teacher and the IV supervisor, classes may be temporarily suspended or totally cancelled for lack of seriousness, lack of punctuality, unjustified absences, technical problems, disciplinary suspension of the student as a group member, force majeure, etc.

  • 52. School session privacy.

52.1.All school classes, both theoretical and practical, as well as final examination, are privately held. Admission is strictly restricted to the teacher, the students, and the IV staff or his delegate.

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  • 53. Cessation.

53.1.Since its purpose has no material completion, the existence of the group has no final term, but is dependent on the survival of interest in its activities by a sufficient number of members, that may motivate and justify the spontaneous work offered by those who voluntarily serve and act on behalf of the group as staff members and Leading Committee members.

53.2.Therefore the ultimate word about the termination or the survival of the group and its activities is reserved to the decision of the Leading Committee.

53.3.As a consequence of a termination decision:

a) all materials and intellectual goods, devices, accessories, licenses, structures and premises, whose exploitation was freely offered to the group, will go back into full and exclusive availability of their formal and former holder/owner;

b) any sort of remaining fund, with no personal embezzlement by any group member, will be destined to cultural or charity aims, preferably connected to the group nature and goals.

  • 54. Multilingual conflict.

54.1.In case of any difference in interpretation and/or execution of present Regulation which may arise by confronting the Italian and the foreign version of it, the meaning of the Italian version shall prevail.